
Can Budgies Eat Egg Shells (Incredible Facts 2023)

Sometimes unfortunately the pet owner is short of proper foods for their loving birds. Then they don’t have any idea which food can be a great substitute for them. So, there is doubt in their mind that budgies can eat eggshells or not?

Budgie’s owner recklessly decides without knowing the results then it will be a cause of the bird’s death. They also think that mint leaves are good or not budgies. But eggshells are easily available for house owners because it is the main household use food.

Can Budgies Eat Egg Shells?

Yes, it is generally safe for budgies to eat eggshells. Eggshells can be a good source of calcium for budgies.

However, it is important to remember that egg shells should be given in moderation and should not make up a large portion of a budgie’s diet.

Owners sometimes want to increase the calcium level of their budgies and make their bones strong and active. During nesting, budgies are commonly requiring foods that provide them with a lot of calcium, and then egg shells are the best food for them.

How to Feed Egg Shells to Budgies?

Egg shells are hard to eat for budgies. So, before giving them to budgies you have to convert them into eatable forms.

Crush or Make Powder

To feed egg shells to your budgie, you can crush them into small pieces or grind them into a powder using a coffee grinder or mortar and pestle.

You can then mix the eggshell powder with your budgie’s regular seed mix or sprinkle it on top of their fruits and vegetables. You can also offer the eggshells on their own as a treat.

Can budgies eat egg shells

Cooked Egg Shells

It is important to note that egg shells should be cooked before being fed to your budgie. Raw egg shells may contain harmful bacteria that can cause illness in birds.

You can cook the eggshells by boiling them for 10-15 minutes or by baking them in the oven at a low temperature (250-300°F) for 10-15 minutes.

It is also important to ensure that the egg shells are free of any residue or contaminants before feeding them to your budgie. Wash the egg shells thoroughly with warm water and allow them to dry completely before offering them to your bird.

Health Benefits of Egg Shells for Budgies

Egg shells are a good source of calcium for budgies and can provide several health benefits when included in their diet. Here are some of the potential benefits of feeding egg shells to budgies:

Strong bones

Calcium is essential for the development and maintenance of healthy bones in birds. Egg shells are a natural source of calcium and can help ensure that your budgie gets enough of this important nutrient.

Improved egg production

Calcium is also important for the production of eggs in female birds. Feeding egg shells to your female budgie can help support healthy egg production and may help prevent egg-binding (a condition in which the egg becomes stuck in the oviduct).

Better feather quality

Calcium is involved in the production of keratin, which is the protein that makes up feathers. Feeding egg shells to your budgie can help promote healthy feather growth and development.

Strong beak and claws

Calcium is important for the development and maintenance of healthy beaks and claws in birds. Feeding egg shells to your budgie can help support the growth of strong beaks and claws.

How to Make Powder of Egg Shells

Is There Any Side Effect of Egg Shells for Budgies?

Egg shells can be a healthy and beneficial addition to a budgie’s diet when given in moderation and properly prepared. If you are providing them bad diet then budgies will get sad and cry.

It is important to remember that egg shells should not make up a large portion of a budgie’s diet and should be fed in moderation. They should be offered in combination with a balanced and varied diet of seeds, fruits, and vegetables.

However, it is important to note that feeding too many eggshells to your budgie can cause digestive issues, such as constipation or diarrhea. This is because egg shells are high in fiber, which can be hard for birds to digest in large amounts.

It is also important to ensure that the egg shells are free of any contaminants or residues before feeding them to your budgie. Wash the egg shells thoroughly with warm water and allow them to dry completely before offering them to your bird.

Overall, as long as you feed eggshells to your budgie in moderation and ensure that they are properly prepared, they should not cause any significant side effects.

It is always a good idea to consult with a veterinarian or avian specialist before making any changes to your budgie’s diet to ensure that they are getting all of the nutrients they need to stay healthy.


Budgies can eat eggshells. But you have to crash egg shells, make powder of them, or bowl them that will be easy to digest for the budgies.

Egg shells are also providing some benefits as compared to other foods. They can increase the calcium level of the budgies which will be helpful in the nesting season and make their bones strong.

But you don’t feed them regularly because they are not their professional diet and may increase the calcium level and results in indigestion. So, keep your loving birds safe and healthy, and stay with us!


Can birds eat eggshells?

Egg shells are the perfect source of calcium and you can also feed them to other types of birds. Because during nesting season they need more calcium and egg shells are their source for them.

Can budgie birds eat boiled eggs?

Yes, budgie birds can eat boiled eggs as part of a balanced diet. It is important to feed them a variety of foods to ensure that they are getting all of the necessary nutrients, and eggs can be a good source of protein for them.

What is budgie’s favorite food?

In the wild, budgies eat a varied diet of seeds, fruits, vegetables, and other plant matter. In captivity, it is important to provide a balanced diet that includes a variety of different types of foods to ensure that your budgie is getting all of the nutrients it needs.

Can birds eat cheese?

Birds can eat cheese as part of a balanced diet. Cheese can be a good source of protein for birds, and many species seem to enjoy it. However, it is important to remember that cheese should be fed in moderation, as it is high in fat and can contribute to obesity if fed in large quantities.

It is also important to consider the type of cheese that you are offering to your bird. Hard, aged cheeses are generally more digestible for birds than softer, fresher cheeses, which can be more difficult for them to digest.

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