
Can Conures and Cockatiels Live Together (Best Facts 2023)

Birds are unique in their cage. Some of them like humans never want to share their house with another type of bird. Then they show their anger in case of biting your finger off. Everyone is curious about how can conures and cockatiels live together.

Conures and cockatiels are two different types of parrots. They have different natures but can conures and cockatiels live together in the same cage. Let’s discuss this question in this blog post.

Can Conures and Cockatiels Live Together?

It is generally possible for conures and cockatiels to live together peacefully, provided that they are introduced properly and given sufficient space, attention, and resources.

However, it is important to keep in mind that each bird is an individual with its personality and behavior, and some may be more compatible with each other than others.

To increase the chances of success, it is important to introduce the birds slowly and carefully, allowing them to get used to each other’s presence and scent before allowing them to interact more directly.

It is also important to provide each bird with its separate cage or enclosure to give them its own space and to prevent any potential territorial disputes.

Providing plenty of toys, perches, and other forms of mental and physical stimulation can also help to keep the birds happy and occupied.

It is also important to monitor the birds’ behavior and to intervene if necessary to prevent any conflicts or aggression.

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What Are the Pros of Having Conures and Cockatiels Together?

There are several potential benefits to having conures and cockatiels living together, including:


Both conures and cockatiels are social birds that benefit from having companionship. By living together, the birds can provide each other with the social interaction and companionship that they need.

Mental and physical stimulation

Having multiple birds living together can provide them with more opportunities for mental and physical stimulation, as they can interact with and play with each other.


Living together can help to strengthen the bond between the birds, as they learn to rely on and trust each other.

Reduced boredom

By living with another bird, a conure or cockatiel may be less likely to become bored or lonely, as they will have someone to play with and interact with throughout the day.

What Are the Pros of Having Conures and Cockatiels Together?

There are several potential drawbacks to having conures and cockatiels living together, including:


Not all conures and cockatiels will get along with each other, and it is important to carefully consider the personalities and temperaments of the individual birds before introducing them.

Size difference

Conures are generally larger than cockatiels, and this size difference can sometimes lead to conflicts or aggression, especially if the birds are not properly introduced or if there is not enough space and resources for both birds.

Territorial disputes

Both conures and cockatiels can be territorial and may try to defend their space or resources from each other, which can lead to conflicts and aggression.


Both conures and cockatiels are known to be vocal birds, and having multiple birds living together can lead to an increase in noise levels. This may be a concern for those who live in apartments or have close neighbors.

Increased cost

Having multiple birds can be more expensive, as you will need to provide food, housing, toys, and medical care for both birds.

How to Introduce a Cockatiel to A Conure?

Here are some steps you can follow to introduce a cockatiel to a conure:

Create separate spaces

Before introducing the birds, it is important to provide each bird with its separate cage or enclosure to give them its own space and to prevent any potential territorial disputes.

Introduce the birds slowly

Allow the birds to get used to each other’s presence and scent before allowing them to interact more directly. You can do this by placing the cages next to each other and allowing the birds to see and hear each other.

Supervise their interactions

When you do allow the birds to interact, it is important to supervise their interactions closely to ensure that they are getting along and to intervene if necessary.

Provide plenty of toys and perches

Offering plenty of toys and perches can help to keep the birds entertained and occupied, which can reduce the chances of any conflicts or aggression.

Gradually increase their time together

As the birds become more comfortable with each other, you can gradually increase the amount of time they spend together.

What Birds Can Be Kept with Cockatiels?

Several types of birds can potentially be kept with cockatiels, including:

Other cockatiels

Cockatiels are social birds and generally do well when kept with other cockatiels.

However, it is important to carefully consider the personalities and temperaments of the individual birds and to ensure that they are properly introduced and given sufficient space and resources.

Other small parrots

Other small parrots, such as Quakers, lovebirds, and parrotlets, can also potentially be kept with cockatiels.

However, it is important to carefully consider the personalities and temperaments of the individual birds and to ensure that they are properly introduced and given sufficient space and resources.

Non-parrot species

Some non-parrot species, such as doves, finches, and canaries, may also be able to live peacefully with cockatiels. However, it is important to keep in mind that these species have different care requirements and may not be suitable for all cockatiels.

What Birds Can Conures Live with?

Other Conures

Conures can potentially live with a variety of other birds, including other conures of the same or similar species, such as jenday, mitred, nanday, gold-capped, or blue-crowned conures.

Can Conures and Cockatiels Live Together

However, it’s crucial to pay close attention to the characteristics of each bird, make sure they’re introduced correctly, and make sure they have enough room and resources.

Other Parrots

Conures may also be compatible and successfully brought into a household with other small parrots including Quakers, lovebirds, and parrotlets. Conures may get along with some non-parrot species, including doves, finches, and canaries.

Converse vs Cockatiel—Which One is Better?

It is not appropriate to say that one type of bird is “better” than another, as each species has its unique characteristics and personality.

Both conures and cockatiels can make wonderful pets, but they are different in terms of size, personality, and care requirements.

Conures are generally larger and more energetic than cockatiels, and they require more space, attention, and mental and physical stimulation.

Cockatiels are smaller and generally more calm and docile than conures, and they are more suitable for those who may not have as much time or space to devote to a pet.

Ultimately, the best bird for you will depend on your circumstances, including your lifestyle, living situation, and personal preferences.

It is important to carefully research the specific needs and characteristics of each species and to choose the one that is best suited to your situation.

Can Conures and Cockatiels Live Together—Final Thoughts

Conures and cockatiels can generally get along well if they are properly introduced and given sufficient space, attention, and resources.

However, it is important to carefully consider the personalities and temperaments of the individual birds, as well as their size, care requirements, and potential compatibility.

Conures are generally larger and more energetic than cockatiels, and they may not be a good match for all cockatiels.

Ultimately, the decision to keep conures and cockatiels together will depend on the individual circumstances of the birds and their owners, and it is important to carefully consider all of the factors involved before making a decision.


Do cockatiels and conures get along?

Cockatiels and conures can generally get along well if they are properly introduced and given sufficient space, attention, and resources. However, it is important to carefully consider the personalities and temperaments of the individual birds.

Are conures more cuddly than cockatiels?

Conures are generally more energetic and less cuddly than cockatiels. Cockatiels are generally more docile and crave more attention and affection from their owners. However, this can vary depending on the individual bird and its personality and upbringing.

Do conures need alone time?

It is important to provide conures with sufficient alone time, as they can become stressed if they do not have the opportunity to retreat to a quiet and private space.

Do conures get jealous?

Conures, like many other parrots, can become possessive of their owners and may exhibit jealous behavior if they feel that their attention and affection are being threatened by another bird or person.

Are cockatiels better alone or in pairs?

Cockatiels are social birds and generally do well when kept with other cockatiels or with their human caregivers.

However, they can also do well when kept as single birds provided they receive sufficient attention, mental and physical stimulation, and social interaction.

What do cockatiels love the most?

Cockatiels love attention, social interaction, and mental and physical stimulation from their caregivers.

They also enjoy toys, treats, and activities that allow them to exercise their natural behaviors and instincts, such as chewing, climbing, and playing with objects.

Cockatiels also appreciate a comfortable and safe environment that meets their physical and psychological needs.

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