How Much Does a Macaw Cost?

How Much Does a Macaw Cost? (Macaw Prices in 2024)

Many individuals are concerned about the financial commitment required to welcome a child into their homes. The vivid plumage and lively behaviors of macaws set them apart from other clever birds.

But they are also an investment for the future, so you’ll need to put some money up now. Anyone considering adding one of these stunning birds to their family must familiarize themselves with the many components that go into calculating the total cost of keeping a macaw.

Whether you’re looking for a reliable breeder or just want to know how much it will cost to keep your macaw like lutino macaw as a pet, this article will cover all the bases.

Macaw For Sale: Locating a Reputable Breeder

A few key considerations are necessary when seeking out a reputable breeder of macaws. You should check the breeder’s reputation and see that they care for the birds’ health before doing business with them.

Find a breeder who is well-respected in the avian world and has a history of giving its Macaws the attention and socialization they need.

It is also important to inquire about the Macaws’ pedigrees from the breeder. The birds like purple budgies you’re thinking about buying should have clean pedigrees and be the product of ethical breeding practices.

Inquire about any history of illness in the family and get proof of immunizations and veterinarian exams.

If you take the time to research your options and choose a reputable breeder, you have a better chance of bringing a happy, healthy Macaw into your family.

How Much Does a Macaw Price?

As pets, macaws are among the most stunning and interesting bird species. On the other hand, a macaw may be rather expensive to own.

Some variables affect a macaw’s price, including the bird’s quality, age, and species. The going rate for a macaw is from $1,000 to $5,000. This does not include the continuing costs of care and maintenance; this is only the initial investment.

Finding a trustworthy breeder is of the utmost importance when buying a macaw. In addition to ensuring that you receive a bird that is healthy and socialized, a reputable breeder will also make sure that you are getting your money’s worth.

You should visit many breeders to compare costs and the general health of the birds they have available, so you can complete your study thoroughly.

Another option is to reach out to avian associations or ask around for advice from other macaw owners. You may avoid future medical problems and behavioral concerns by purchasing a macaw from a reputable breeder that is known for its healthy and well-cared-for animals.

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How Much Does a Macaw Cost?

How Much Does a Spix Macaw Price?

One of the most endangered bird species in the world is the Spix’s macaw, sometimes called the Little Blue macaw. An extremely rare and expensive bird, a Spix’s Macaw can cost several thousand dollars.

Market value is heavily impacted by factors such as wild bird scarcity, conservation activities, and regulatory constraints.

According to recent data, Spix’s Macaws are not often seen as pets because of their endangered status and the stringent rules that govern their possession.

Aside from the initial investment, prospective owners also need to think about the continuing costs of housing, vet visits, and a particular food including jicama, chickpeas, and more for these birds.

Remember that Spix’s Macaws are being worked to save and return them to their native environment. The market availability and pricing of Spix’s Macaws are significantly influenced by organizations and projects devoted to the preservation of this species.

How Much Does a Blue and Gold Macaw Cost?

A blue and gold macaw’s price tag could shift based on some variables. When determining a price, the age of the bird is a major consideration.

In most cases, you should expect to pay more for a younger blue and gold macaw like emerald macaw than for an older one.

This is because the expense associated with raising and training younger macaws might be higher than that of older ones.

The condition and personality of the bird are other variables that could impact the final price. The going rate for macaws is often greater for birds that are healthy and well-behaved than for birds that are sick or have behavioral concerns.

The breeder you get the blue and gold macaw from is another factor that might affect the final price. Prices tend to be higher from reputable breeders that have a track record of delivering birds that are healthy and socialized.

However, if the bird develops health issues like obesity down the road, you may end up spending more money than you saved by purchasing from a more respectable breeder.

If you are thinking about getting a blue and gold macaw, you should do your homework and choose a reputable breeder.

How Much Does a Blue and Yellow Macaw Cost?

You should know that there are a lot of variables that might affect the final pricing of a blue or yellow macaw like black-faced budgies. Some of these considerations are the breeder’s standing and the bird’s age, coloring, and general health.

A blue and yellow macaw may often cost between $1,500 and $2,500. On the other side, if the birds are rare or grown by hand, you can discover breeders asking $3,000 or more for them.

There are benefits to spending more money on a blue and yellow macaw from a respected breeder, even if it could increase your initial investment.

Among these, you may find health certifications and guarantees of a well-cared-for, socialized bird, as well as proof of any required immunizations.

Furthermore, trustworthy breeders usually offer continuing assistance and direction, making sure that new owners are well-prepared to care for their macaws.

Consequently, a blue and yellow macaw from a respectable breeder may be more expensive initially, but it may be money well spent later on.

How Much Does a Scarlet Macaw Cost?

Among birdwatchers, scarlet macaws are among the most desirable birds due to their eye-catching appearance and brilliant red plumage. Some variables affect the cost of a scarlet macaw.

Among them, the bird’s age is among the most important. Scarlet macaws, especially younger ones, may fetch a pretty penny.

The breeder and the bird’s general health and quality determine the price range for a scarlet macaw, which can range from around $1,500 to $3,500 or even more.

The color mutation, along with the macaw’s age, is one factor that might affect the price. The wings and tail feathers of a scarlet macaw are usually a vivid shade of red, accented with yellow and blue.

The blue mutation and the lutino mutation are two examples of unusual color mutations. The price can be greatly affected by these distinctive variants; for example, blue scarlet macaws are usually sold for more than their more common cousins.

A potential owner must choose a trustworthy breeder who can supply the required paperwork and details on the health and genealogy of the bird, whether they are interested in a typical scarlet macaw or one of these uncommon color variations.

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How Much Does a Macaw Cost?

Macaw Supply Prices

Owning a macaw comes with some supply-related costs to think about. The most important thing you can do for your macaw is to have a large cage.

The type of macaw you pick will dictate the cage’s size and quality. Perches, toys, and food bowls are also necessary for your feathery friend’s enrichment and enjoyment.

The price of macaw food is another critical factor to think about. To maintain optimal health and well-being, macaws require a special diet.

A healthy diet that includes pellets, nuts, fruits, and vegetables is part of this. These food items’ prices will change as supply and demand dictate their quality. If you want to ensure your macaw’s optimal health, it’s crucial to provide high-quality food.

Macaw Food Prices

Just like any other kind of pet bird, macaws need a healthy, well-rounded diet to stay happy and healthy.

The amount needed to fulfill the nutritional needs of these lively birds, as well as the brand and quality of the food, can cause macaw food costs to fluctuate. The staple foods for macaws include a variety of seeds, nuts, fruits like guava, and vegetables such as spinach, along with pellets.

The nutritional value and components of the meal should be considered while determining the price of macaw food.

A ten-pound package of premium macaw pellets might cost anywhere from twenty dollars to fifty dollars. The price per pound of seeds like sesame seeds and nuts can range from $5 to $10.

These foods are rich in healthful fats and nutrients. Incorporating fresh produce into their diet, including apples, grapes, carrots, and leafy greens, can increase their weekly food costs by $10 to $20.

Remember that these are only ballpark figures; actual costs can be more or lower based on factors like where you live and what kinds of items are in season.

Macaw Cages and Accessories Prices

The expense of cages and other necessities is an essential consideration for anybody thinking about getting a macaw as a pet.

Being huge birds, macaws need cages that are both roomy and strong to keep them safe. Size, material, and brand are a few variables that can affect how much these cages cost.

The going rate for a good macaw cage is usually between $300 and $800. A sturdy cage that is tailor-made for your macaw, with enough room to fly around and flap its wings, is an absolute must.

Some extras can be necessary to buy for your macaw besides the cage. Perches, playthings, food and water bowls, and feeders are all part of this set.

Because they allow them to relax and use their feet, perches are essential for macaws. Prices for macaw perches can range from $10 to $50 for each piece, depending on the species and size.

To maintain mental stimulation and entertainment, toys are crucial for macaws. The price of a macaw toy can range from $5 to $50, depending on its quality and the materials utilized.

To keep your macaw hydrated and fed, you’ll need a feeder and water dish, which may cost anywhere from $10 to $30.

Why Are Macaws So Expensive?

The price of a Macaw can be influenced by various factors, reflecting the complexity and uniqueness of these captivating birds. Several key elements contribute to determining their market value:


Specific species can significantly impact macaw costs. Rare and expensive macaw species may increase in price. Hyacinth macaws are stunning and large. Their rare appearance may command tens of thousands of dollars.

Blue and Yellow Macaws are cheaper and more common. Less uncommon than the Hyacinth Macaw, these large birds cost less.

Captive macaw reproduction is challenging and affects price. Some species cost more due to breeding issues. International laws protect endangered macaws like Spix’s. This may make the last macaws the most expensive.


Age also affects macaw pricing. Most baby macaws are inexpensive. This may be because young macaws are still changing colors and features. Their lack of training and taming may make them undesirable pets.

Breeders may charge less since young macaws are cheaper to nurture. However, mature macaws have fully developed colors and traits.

Their training and experience may make them better pets. As companion birds, mature macaws are more stable.

Although cheaper, adolescent macaws take longer to learn and bond with their owners. And less trainable, adult macaws have behavioral issues.


The main key price factor is health. A healthy macaw costs more. Macaws with good bodies, feathers, and eyes are healthy. The birds will be more active and eat better. A healthy macaw lives longer, which is important when picking a pet.

However, a sick macaw may have dull eyes, ruffled feathers, or lethargy. The birds may have poor appetites and respiratory difficulties.

These macaws may have a low quality of life and costly medical care. It lowers their pet appeal and price.

Some health conditions are hard for veterinarians to detect. Therefore, buy from a reliable breeder or pet store with bird health records.

Breeder Reputation

Macaw pricing may rely on breeder repute. Reputable breeders charge more for birds. This is owing to their breeding facility, reputation, and bird care. A competent breeder knows their species.

They will also have great breeding facilities. The system will supply food, housing, and vet care. They can sell healthy, high-quality birds.

Healthy, friendly birds are generally sold. Their birds may become popular and expensive. Low-reputation breeders may sell cheaper birds. Because they may be inexperienced. They may also lack a good breeding setup or bird care.

These birds may be less desirable and cheaper due to health and behavioral issues. Bird breeders who specialize in color mutations charge extra.

Colors Change

Mutations in macaw color affect costs. Color mutations make macaws more valuable and expensive.

A Military Macaw might be “blue” or “green”. Macaw prices vary for several reasons. Mutations in genes cause these differences.

More exotic macaws can fetch higher prices and be more popular pets. Macaws without color mutations are inexpensive.

Macaws with their typical color may be less attractive and cheaper. Rarer color mutations make macaws more expensive.


Training affects macaw prices. Teaching a parrot trick or talk typically raises its price. A smart macaw may learn various tricks and instructions. A trained macaw is a great pet since it interacts with its owner.

Talking can entertain and engage owners. They may become more valuable and expensive. However, untrained macaws may ignore their owners. Training may be difficult, limiting its attractiveness and price.

A macaw’s teaching can change its behavior. Macaws may behave better when trained. This is another important macaw purchasing factor.

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Incredible Tips for Saving Money on Macaw Pet Buying

Ownership of a macaw can be costly. Although, there are numerous methods for saving money on supplies each month. When feasible, make wholesale purchases of products. In volume, virtually everything is less expensive.

Food is frequently available in bulk, but larger quantities of liners, cleaning supplies, and entertainment should also be considered.

Macaws consume a great deal of items, which can become costly. Construct your avian enrichment items and toys from secure, all-natural materials.

Online resources are replete with DIY tutorials and suggestions. By repurposing commonplace items such as cardboard cartons, paper towel rolls, and natural materials, one can affordably furnish their macaw with stimulating playthings.

You can frequently recycle and repurpose items that are already in your home. For instance, old T-shirts and fabric remnants can be repurposed into rope devices.

Be on the lookout for clearance and discounted items. If you are considering purchasing an avian, you should begin your search immediately. Consequently, you will be able to capitalize on sales as they occur.

Consider using repurposed materials whenever possible. It is frequently possible to locate used enclosures, toys, and other items at reduced costs, allowing you to save money without sacrificing the necessities for your macaw.

Conclusion: How Much Does a Macaw Price?

A great deal of dedication is required to care for macaws due to their intelligence, expression, and activity. Owning a macaw can be a difficult choice to make. Not only are purchasing macaws an expensive endeavor, but their maintenance is also quite costly.

Thousands of dollars will likely be required up front, in addition to $150 to $200 per month. It is advisable to maintain the company of your feathered companion throughout your voyage, notwithstanding any life transitions that may transpire.

To provide for a Macaw for its estimated 35 to 60 years of life, adequate financial resources must be available.

These animals require your undivided attention and time due to their extreme sensitivity. You will spend the majority of your existence alongside a macaw that lives for several decades.

Frequently Asked Questions: Macaw Price

Is a macaw a beginner bird?

No, a macaw isn’t the best pet for someone just starting with birds. They are best suited for seasoned bird lovers who have the room, time, and energy to devote to their care because of their enormous size, intelligence, and unique needs.

How long does a macaw live for?

Macaws have a long lifespan, typically living 60 to 80 years, depending on the species. Their longevity requires a significant commitment from owners to ensure proper care and companionship throughout their extended lives.

What should I consider before getting a Macaw?

Consider the bird’s age, training, species traits, and the reputation of the breeder to ensure a suitable match and a positive ownership experience.

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