
Why Is My Budgie Panting (Everything You Need to Know 2023)

Birds cannot talk they ask for something and understand their owners through their actions. Some beginner bird owners don’t too much about their actions. So, they don’t have any idea why is my budge panting so much?

There are many reasons behind the panting situation of the budgies. Budgies pant as a result of sweating during exercise and being startled.

A budgie’s ability to regulate its body temperature by panting helps prevent heatstroke. Budgies that are overweight pant more because the layer of fat limits the flow of air from the ventilator bags.

Why Is My Budgie Breathing Heavily & How to Fix It?

Budgies have sensitive respiratory systems that can be irritated by a variety of things.

These may be feathers, chemicals, pollen, or even chemicals. If your parrot is allergic to any of them, he will begin to pant and open his lips while around it.

There are a few possible reasons why your budgie might be breathing heavily:

Scared & Stressed

Budgies can become stressed for a variety of reasons, such as being in a new environment, being around loud noises, or being handled too much.

If your budgie is feeling scared, it may breathe heavily as a way to cope with the stress of the situation.

If your budgie is breathing heavily due to being scared, it is likely a response to something in its environment that is causing it stress or anxiety.

How to Fix It?

It is important to try to identify the source of the fear and remove it, if possible. For example, if your budgie is scared of loud noises, you may want to try to minimize the number of loud noises it is exposed to.

If your budgie is scared of being handled, you may want to try to gently desensitize it to being handled by gradually increasing the amount of time it spends being held.

It is also a good idea to provide your budgie with plenty of opportunities to hide and feel safe, such as by providing it with a cozy and secure hiding spot.


If your budgie is overheated and breathing heavily, it is probably doing so to cool off from the heat. Budgies are sensitive to high temperatures and are prone to becoming overheated, especially if they lack access to cool sources of fresh air or water.

How to Fix It?

You can attempt the following to assist your budgies to relax: decrease the room temperature, take budgies close to the refrigerator, on the fan, and more.


Budgies may also breathe heavily due to sickness. Different types of ailments make your budgies pant such as respiratory problems and more.

Heavy breathing can be a sign of several different illnesses in budgies, such as respiratory infections, heart problems, or pneumonia. Other symptoms that may indicate that your budgie is sick include:

  1. Loss of appetite
  2. Lethargy or lack of energy
  3. Change in vocalization
  4. Change in droppings (e.g., watery or foul-smelling)
  5. Change in feather condition (e.g., fluffed up or ruffled feathers)

How to Fix It?

If your budgie is breathing heavily due to sickness, it is important to monitor its symptoms and consult with a veterinarian as soon as possible.

There are also many other things about birds you have to must know such as why does my bird hate me and more.

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Why Is My Budgie Breathing Heavily with His Mouth Open?

There are a few possible reasons why your budgie might be breathing heavily with its mouth open:


Panting is a way for birds to regulate their body temperature, especially when they are overheated. If your budgie is panting with its mouth open, it may be trying to cool down.

Respiratory infection

If your budgie has a respiratory infection, it may breathe heavily with its mouth open as a symptom of the illness. Respiratory infections can be caused by a variety of factors, including viral or bacterial infections, exposure to toxins, or allergies.

Heart problems

Heavy breathing with an open mouth can also be a sign of heart problems in budgies. If your budgie has a heart condition, it may have difficulty getting enough oxygen and may breathe heavily with its mouth open.

Other illnesses

Heavy breathing with an open mouth can also be a symptom of other illnesses in budgies, such as pneumonia or cancer.

How to Comfort a Panting Budgie?

Here are a few steps you can take to comfort a panting budgie:

Decrease temperature

If the room your budgie is in is too hot, try to lower the temperature by opening windows, using a fan, or turning on the air conditioning.

Provide fresh water

Make sure your budgie has access to fresh, cool water at all times. This will help it stay hydrated and cool.

Panting Budgie

Offer a misting

If the air is dry, you can try misting your budgie with a fine spray of cool water. This will help to cool its skin and feathers.

Move your budgie to a cooler location

If possible, move your budgie to a cooler location to help it cool down. This makes your budgie’s temperature down and decreases their stress and makes their breathing normal.

Keep your budgie calm

Panting can be a sign of stress or anxiety in budgies, so it is important to try to keep your budgie calm and comfortable. This can be done by providing it with a secure and cozy hiding spot, and avoiding handling or disturbing it too much.

How to Tell If Your Budgie is Nervous or Scared?

There are a few signs that may indicate that your budgie is feeling nervous or scared:

  1. Panting: Budgies may pant as a way to cope with stress or anxiety.
  2. Fluffed-up feathers: Budgies may fluff up their feathers as a way to protect themselves or keep warm when they are feeling scared or threatened.
  3. Hiding: Budgies may try to hide in a secure location when they are feeling scared or threatened.
  4. Change in vocalization: Budgies may change the tone or volume of their vocalizations when they are feeling scared or nervous.
  5. Change in behavior: Budgies may exhibit changes in behavior, such as becoming more inactive or less social, when they are feeling scared or threatened.

Why is My Budgie Panting—Final Thoughts

Panting in budgies can be caused by a variety of factors, including overheating, stress, anxiety, respiratory infections, heart problems, and other illnesses.

It is important to monitor your budgie’s panting and other symptoms, and consult with a veterinarian if you are concerned about its health.

To comfort a panting budgie, you can try lowering the room temperature, providing fresh water, offering a misting, moving your budgie to a cooler location, and keeping your budgie calm. Keep your loving birds safe and healthy with us!


What does it mean when my bird is panting?

Panting in birds can be caused by a variety of factors, including overheating, stress, anxiety, respiratory infections, heart problems, and other illnesses.

Why does my budgie look like it’s gasping for air?

If your budgie is gasping for air, it may be experiencing difficulty breathing. This is can be due to various types of problems that are discussed above.

How do budgies act when they are sick?

Budgies may exhibit several signs when they are sick, including loss of appetite, lethargy or lack of energy, change in vocalization, change in droppings (e.g., watery or foul-smelling), and change in feather condition (e.g., fluffed up or ruffled feathers).

What does a panting budgie look like?

A panting budgie may look like it is taking rapid, shallow breaths with its beak open. It may also have its wings held slightly away from its body and its tail feathers fanned out.

What does a depressed budgie look like?

A depressed budgie may exhibit several signs, including a lack of energy, a lack of appetite, a change in vocalization, and a lack of interest in toys or activities. A depressed budgie may also sit quietly in one spot, ruffle its feathers, or appear listless.

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