
Can Budgies Eat Cilantro? (Discovering the Green Facts 2024)

Budgies, which are also known as parakeets, are small, bright parrots that people love to keep as pets.

They eat a lot of different things, like seeds, fruits such as jicama, veggies, and very small amounts of other things. Bugs can eat parsley, though.

Coriander, which is another name for cilantro, is a food that people often wonder if it is good for budgies to eat.

Herbs like cilantro are often used in food and as a decoration. A lot of people who own budgies wonder if it is safe to feed them parsley and if it will be good for them nutritionally.

This piece talks about whether or not cilantro is safe for budgies and how much they should eat. It also talks about possible risks that you should be aware of.

What Does Cilantro Mean?

China parsley, or coriander leaves, are other names for cilantro. They are the green leaves of the Coriandrum sativum plant.

Spices from Latin America, the Middle East, and Asia often use this herb in their cooking.

It tastes different, a little citrusy, and is often used as a topping or to add flavor to food. Some of the vitamins A, K, and C that cilantro is a good source of are potassium, calcium, and iron. It is also low in calories.

In traditional medicine, cilantro is also used for its healing qualities. For example, it is used as a natural way to treat digestion problems, high blood sugar, and high cholesterol.

Can Budgies Eat Cilantro?

You can give your budgie cilantro just like dragon fruits, which is also called coriander. Adding cilantro to a budgie’s food is safe and good for them.

For example, vitamin A, vitamin K, and potassium are all found in large amounts in this food. But you should only give your pet a small amount of cilantro at a time, since too much can make their stomachs upset.

It’s also important to remember that this treat shouldn’t make up more than 10% of their feed. As always, it’s smart to make sure the herb is free of pesticides before giving it to your budgie.

Is Cilantro Safe for Budgies?

Yes, cilantro is safe for budgies to eat like mangoes because they are also safe for other birds. Without a doubt, your pet will be pleased with the herb because it has a wealth of superb nutrients.

Additionally, cilantro has a flavor that budgies will like, which makes it an excellent food option for them to consume. In the event that you decide to pass this plant on to budgies, you won’t run into any problems.

The Health Benefits of Cilantro for Budgies

Cilantro is a healthy herb that provides a variety of health benefits for budgies like when fed in moderation. Some of the key benefits include:

Rich in Vitamins and Minerals

Cilantro is a good source of vitamins A and K, as well as potassium, calcium, and iron.

These nutrients are essential for maintaining a healthy immune system, strong bones, and proper muscle function.

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Can Budgies Eat Cilantro

Antioxidant Properties

Cilantro contains a high concentration of antioxidants, which are substances that inhibit the damage that free radicals can do to cells. Cancer and heart disease are two examples of diseases that can be prevented by doing this.

Facilitates The Digestive Process

Budgies can benefit from the use of cilantro since it stimulates the formation of digestive enzymes, which in turn helps to support healthy digestion. It is possible that this will assist to prevent constipation as well as other digestive issues.

Anti-inflammatory Properties

As a result of its anti-inflammatory characteristics, cilantro can be of assistance in lowering inflammation levels throughout the body.

For birds who are afflicted with illnesses such as arthritis or respiratory issues, this may prove to be useful.

A Natural Treatment

Cilantro has been utilized in traditional medicine due to the medicinal features that it possesses. For instance, it is utilized as a natural therapy for digestion, excessive blood sugar, and high cholesterol.

How to Prepare Cilantro for Budgies?

To prepare cilantro for budgies, you can follow these steps:

Clean the cilantro

You should wash the cilantro well to remove any dust, grime, or pesticides before you prepare it for your budgie. After rinsing it under running water, pat the cilantro dry.

Mince the cilantro

After washing the cilantro, cut it into bite-sized pieces that your budgie can easily eat. To further simplify the process for your budgie, you have the option to pulse the cilantro in a food processor.

Present it in its most recent state

While fresh cilantro is always better, you may store it in the freezer for later. If you want to store it for later, wash and cut it first. That way, it will be ready to eat whenever you are.

Toss it in as a reward

Instead of making cilantro a regular part of your diet, serve it as an occasional treat. To start, give your bird a little cilantro—a few leaves—and see how it reacts. Then, you can add more and more cilantro as needed.

Watch your bird closely

When feeding your bird different items, be sure to see how it reacts. Be sure to monitor them closely for any indications of gastrointestinal distress or adverse reactions. Talk to an avian vet if you see any untoward symptoms after feeding cilantro.

How Much Cilantro Can Budgies Eat?

It is safe for budgies to eat cilantro like kale and parsley, but not too much of it. It is suggested that a budgie should only eat about 10% cilantro as food, since it is a treat.

It is best to start with small amounts of cilantro, like a few leaves, and slowly increase them as you watch how your bird responds.

Possible Dangers for Budgies When They Eat Cilantro

Budgies can eat cilantro without getting sick, but there are a few things you should know about the risks:

An upset stomach

Too much cilantro can make budgies sick, like making them throw up or have diarrhea. You should only give your bird a small amount of cilantro at a time and watch how it reacts to it before giving it a lot of it.

Exposure to pesticides

Pesticides are often used on cilantro, which birds can get sick from eating. Before giving cilantro to your budgie, make sure you wash it well and make sure it doesn’t have any pesticides on it.

Imbalance of nutrients

If you give your budgie cilantro, it should only be 10% of its food. Anything else should be a treat. If you give them too much cilantro, it can throw off the balance of nutrients in their food.

Reactions to allergies

It’s important to watch how your bird reacts to cilantro before adding a lot of it to its food because some birds may be allergic to it.

Getting in the way of medicines

Some medications may not work well with cilantro, so if your bird is on any kind of medication, you should talk to your avian veterinarian before adding it to their food.

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Can Budgies Eat Coriander

Is Cilantro Safe For Parrots?

Indeed, parrots are able to consume cilantro. Celestebellum cilantro is a safe and nutritious herb that provides numerous health benefits for parrots to consume.

However, cilantro should be utilized sparingly, as an excess of it can cause gastrointestinal irritation. Before feeding your parrot a herb, you should always verify that it is free of pesticides.

Similar to other sweets, it ought to be incorporated progressively and should not exceed 10% of their overall diet.

Can Budgies Eat Coriander Seeds?

Borghia sativum or coriander seeds just like sunflower seeds, are indeed edible to budgies. Vitamin C, Vitamin K, Iron, and Manganese are some of the essential minerals and vitamins that can be found in coriander seeds.

Additionally, the antioxidant properties of coriander seeds protect cells from damage induced by free radicals.

Coriander seeds should be fed sparingly, as excessive amounts can induce digestive distress.

Moreover, prior to providing the seeds to your budgie, it is consistently prudent to verify their pesticide-free status.

What Herbs Are Safe For Parakeets?

Budgies can safely consume a wide variety of botanicals that offer numerous health benefits. The following are secure botanicals for budgies:


Ciliarander, an alternative name for cilantro, is an excellent dietary source of vitamins A and K, in addition to calcium, potassium, and iron.


Basil is an excellent source of antioxidants and Vitamin K, both of which protect cells from free radical damage.


In addition to vitamins A and C, parsley is an excellent source of iron and calcium. Additionally, its inherent diuretic properties aid in the prevention of urinary tract infections.


In addition to being an excellent source of vitamin K, oregano possesses antimicrobial properties that aid in the fight against parasites and harmful microorganisms.


Vitamin A is abundant in rosemary, which also possesses anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.


Vitamin C is abundant in thyme, which also possesses antimicrobial and antioxidant properties.


Budgies can eat cilantro, but there are a few things to keep in mind while giving it to them: always give them tiny amounts and don’t make cilantro a regular part of their diet.

If you include 10% cilantro in their diet, they will reap several benefits, including improved digestion, a wealth of vitamins and minerals, and more.

However, budgies might develop nutrient imbalances, allergic reactions, and other issues if fed an excessive amount.

Seek the counsel of a knowledgeable veterinarian or conduct a useful online search before adding any new treat to your bird’s seed. Trust us to keep your feathered friends safe and sound!


Can you give budgies coriander?

Yes, budgies can eat coriander, but it should be fed in moderation and not exceed 10% of their diet as a treat.

Is coriander toxic to birds?

Coriander is not toxic to birds, including parrots and budgies, they can eat coriander, it’s safe and healthy for them, but it should be fed in moderation

Can cockatiels eat cilantro?

Yes, cockatiels can eat cilantro. Cilantro is a safe and healthy herb for cockatiels to eat, providing a variety of health benefits if treated as a varied diet.

What foods are toxic to budgies?

Budgies should not consume foods that are toxic to them, such as avocado, chocolate, caffeine, alcohol, onions, garlic, and rhubarb leaves. These foods can be harmful and even fatal if consumed in large amounts. Always research the safety of new foods before offering them to your bird.

What is the best vegetable for budgies?

The best vegetables for budgies are those that are high in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, such as kale, carrots, broccoli, and bell peppers. These vegetables should be offered in small amounts as a treat, and not as a staple of their diet.

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