
Do Parakeets Poop Everywhere? (Bird Owners Beware in 2023)

Parakeets are beautiful birds that can make great pets. However, one of the biggest concerns that people have when considering adopting a parakeet is the mess they can create.

Some may wonder, “Do parakeets poop everywhere?” The answer is yes; parakeets do poop everywhere. But, there are ways to manage their mess and keep your home clean.

In this article, we will explore whether or not parakeets poop everywhere, how to train them to poop in a specific area, and some tips for keeping their cage clean.

Do Parakeets Poop Everywhere?

The short answer to this question is yes, parakeets do poop everywhere. They are not like dogs or cats who can be trained to only go in certain areas, and they have no control over when or where they need to go.

This means that if you let your parakeet out of its cage, it will likely leave droppings on your furniture, floor, and even your clothes.

However, this doesn’t mean that you can’t take steps to minimize the mess. One way to do this is to limit your parakeet’s time outside of their cage.

If you only let them out for short periods, they will have less opportunity to leave droppings everywhere.

You can also train them to go in a specific area, which we will discuss in more detail in the next section.

How Often Do Parakeets Poop?

Parakeets can poop anywhere from 15 to 30 minutes. Since parakeets have a fast metabolism, they need to poop frequently to get rid of waste products.

Additionally, parakeets tend to poop more after eating, so it is best to keep them away from areas where food is prepared or served.

Do Parakeets Poop Everywhere

Why Do Parakeets Poop So Often?

Parakeets have a very high metabolism, which means they digest food quickly and need to eliminate waste frequently.

They also have very short digestive tracts, which means that food moves through their bodies quickly. This results in more frequent bowel movements than many other types of pets.

Another reason why parakeets poop so often is that they have no control over when they need to go.

Unlike dogs or cats, who can hold their bladder or bowels for a certain period, parakeets will go whenever they need to.

This means that they may poop multiple times per hour, especially if they are eating or drinking.

What Does the Color of Parakeet Poop Mean?

The color of parakeet poop can tell you a lot about your parakeet’s health. Here are some of the colors and what they mean:

  • Green: This is the most common color of parakeet poop, and it is a sign of a healthy parakeet.
  • Brown: Brown poop can be an indicator of dehydration or a high-fat diet.
  • White: White poop can indicate liver disease, kidney failure, or a lack of calcium.
  • Black: Black poop can be a sign of internal bleeding or a high iron diet.
  • Red: Red poop can indicate blood in the droppings, which can be a sign of a serious health issue.

If you notice any changes in your parakeet’s poop color, it is essential to consult with a veterinarian.

How to Potty Train Your Parakeet?

Although parakeets have control over their bowel movements, they cannot be potty trained in the same way that dogs and cats can.

However, there are a few things you can do to manage your parakeet’s poop.

Provide a Designated Poop Area

Place a small tray or newspaper at the bottom of your parakeet’s cage. This will encourage them to poop in one area, making it easier for you to clean up.

Watch for Signs

Parakeets often have telltale signs before they poop, such as bobbing their tail or crouching down. If you see these signs, you can quickly move your parakeet to its designated poop area.

Time Your Interactions

Parakeets often poop after eating or drinking, so try to avoid interacting with your bird immediately after feeding or watering them.

Use Poop-Removing Sprays

There are products available that can dissolve bird poop, making it easier to clean up.

How NOT to Potty Train Your Parakeet?

Additionally, potty training your budgie may take some time and effort, and there is no guarantee that it will be successful.

It also requires consistency, patience, and positive reinforcement techniques, which some bird owners may find challenging to implement.

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Is It Worth Potty Training Your Parakeet?

Furthermore, some experts warn against potty training birds, as it may lead to health problems if the bird is not able to eliminate waste as frequently as it needs to.

Therefore, it’s essential to consult with an avian veterinarian or a bird behaviorist before attempting to potty train your budgie.

In summary, whether or not to potty train your budgie is a personal choice that depends on your lifestyle, your bird’s behavior, and your willingness to invest time and effort into the process.

Remember to always treat your bird with respect and positive reinforcement, even when accidents happen outside the cage.

How to Clean Up Parakeet Poop?

Cleaning up parakeet poop can be a messy task, but it’s important to do it regularly to maintain a clean and healthy environment.

To clean up after your parakeet, start by removing any solid waste with a paper towel or poop scoop.

Then, use a pet-safe cleaner to sanitize the area and remove any remaining stains or odors. Make sure to use a cleaner that is safe for both your parakeet and its environment.

Avoid using bleach or other harsh chemicals that can be harmful to your parakeet.

To minimize odor and stains from parakeet poop, consider using litter or bedding that is designed to absorb moisture and control odor.

You can also place a layer of newspaper or paper towel underneath your parakeet’s designated bathroom area to make cleaning up easier.

Tips for Keeping a Parakeet’s Cage Clean

In addition to potty training your parakeet, there are other steps you can take to keep their cage clean and minimize mess:

  1. Use a cage liner or newspaper to make cleaning easier.
  2. Clean the cage regularly, at least once a week, or more often if necessary.
  3. Provide your parakeet with multiple perches so that they can move around and not be confined to one area.
  4. Avoid putting food or water bowls directly under perches, as this can cause droppings to fall into them.
  5. Use a grate on the bottom of the cage to keep your parakeet from sitting in their droppings.
  6. Consider using a bird diaper if you want to let your parakeet out of their cage for longer periods.
  7. By taking these steps, you can help keep your parakeet’s environment clean and healthy.


While parakeets do poop everywhere, there are ways to minimize the mess and train them to go in a specific area.

Potty training your parakeet takes time and patience, but it can be done with consistency and positive reinforcement.

Additionally, keeping your parakeet’s cage clean and providing them with multiple perches can help keep the mess contained.

By taking these steps, you can enjoy the company of your parakeet without constantly cleaning up after them.


Can you train a parakeet not to poop everywhere?

Yes, you can train a parakeet to poop in a designated area by consistently placing them on a specific perch or tray and rewarding them when they go there. However, accidents may still happen, so it’s important to be patient and consistent.

How do I stop my bird from pooping everywhere?

Regularly take your bird to its designated potty spot, use positive reinforcement when it goes there, and limit its access to areas where you don’t want it to poop.

Do birds poop outside their cage?

Yes, birds can and will poop outside of their cage, especially if they are not properly trained. It’s important to train them to go in a designated spot and limit their access to areas where you don’t want them to poop.

Is it normal for parakeets to poop a lot?

Yes, it’s normal for parakeets to poop frequently, as they have a fast digestive system. However, excessive or abnormal droppings could indicate a health problem and should be checked by a veterinarian.

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