How Many Budgies Should I Get in a Cage

From Solo to Squad: How Many Budgies Should I Get in a Cage?

When considering adding a new budgie (also known as a parakeet) to your home, one question often arises: “How many budgies should I get in a cage?”

The decision of how many budgies to keep together is an important one, as it can impact their socialization, happiness, and overall well-being. People also don’t know about the healthy signs and why budgies have cold feet.

In this article, we will explore the ideal number of budgies to keep in a cage, factors to consider when making this decision, the benefits of having multiple budgies, challenges that may arise, and ultimately help you make an informed choice for your feathered friends.

How Many Budgies Should I Get in a Cage?

While the ideal number of budgies is generally more than one, there are additional factors to consider when determining the appropriate number for your specific circumstances.

Space and Cage Size

Budgies are active and love to explore their surroundings. They require ample space to stretch their wings, hop around, and engage in natural behaviors.

The recommended minimum cage size for a single budgie is 18 x 18 x 18 inches (45 x 45 x 45 cm). This size allows them to move freely and exhibit their natural behaviors comfortably.

However, if you plan to keep multiple budgies, it’s important to increase the cage size accordingly. Each budgie should have enough space to move around without feeling cramped.

What factors should I consider when determining the cage size for multiple budgies?

The size of the cage is an essential factor to consider when keeping multiple budgies. Here are some key considerations for determining the appropriate cage size:

Wingspan and Flight

Budgies require sufficient space to stretch their wings and engage in short flights within the cage. A cage with ample width and height allows them to exercise and maintain their physical well-being.

Perches and Toys

The cage should have enough room for multiple perches at different heights, allowing the budgies to budgies to climb and move around comfortably and exercise their feet. It should also accommodate toys and enrichment items to keep them mentally stimulated.

Territory and Social Dynamics

Budgies establish territories within the cage, and having adequate space helps minimize territorial disputes.

A larger cage provides more room for each budgie to establish its space and reduces the likelihood of aggressive behavior.

Social Interaction

Budgies derive numerous benefits from socializing with their fellow flock members and budgies like to be touched. Keeping multiple budgies together in a cage provides them with valuable opportunities for social interaction, play, and communication.

These social interactions help to prevent loneliness and provide mental stimulation, which is vital for their overall well-being.

When budgies have companions, they engage in a range of natural behaviors such as preening each other’s feathers, engaging in playful activities, and vocalizing.

These interactions contribute to a sense of belonging and can reduce stress and anxiety. Budgies also learn from one another, observing and imitating behaviors, which can further enrich their lives.

Having multiple budgies in a cage creates a lively and dynamic environment. They can chirp, sing, and communicate with each other, creating a pleasant ambiance in your home.

Additionally, their social interactions can be entertaining to watch, providing you with joy and amusement.

It’s important to note that budgies can still bond with their human caregivers even when they have companions.

They can form strong bonds with both their fellow budgies and their human family members, creating a harmonious balance of social interaction.

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Time & Attention

Keeping budgies requires a commitment of time and attention to ensure their well-being.

While having a single budgie may be easier to manage in terms of care and attention, multiple budgies can provide each other with companionship when you’re busy or unable to interact with them.

However, it’s important to remember that even if you have multiple budgies, they still require individual attention from you.

While they can keep each other entertained to some extent, they also need interaction with their human caregivers.

This includes regular handling, talking to them, and providing mental stimulation through play and training sessions.

Spending quality time with your budgies helps establish trust, strengthens the bond between you, and promotes their overall happiness. Not provide to them makes budgies destructive and annoying.

It also allows you to monitor their health and well-being more closely, as you can observe any changes in behavior or appearance.

Before deciding on the number of budgies to keep in a cage, assess your schedule and ensure that you can dedicate enough time to meet their needs.

Consider whether you have the time and energy to provide sufficient attention to each budgie individually and as a group.

How Many Budgies Should I Get in a Cage
How Many Budgies Should I Get in a Cage

Budget & Resources

Keeping budgies, especially multiple budgies, can incur additional expenses. These expenses include the cost of their food, housing, toys, perches, and regular veterinary care.

It’s crucial to assess your budget and ensure that you can provide for the needs of each budgie comfortably. Consider the cost of providing a well-sized cage that accommodates the number of budgies you plan to keep.

Remember that budgies need space for comfortable movement, multiple perches, and toys for mental stimulation.

Additionally, they require a nutritious diet consisting of high-quality pellets, fresh fruits, vegetables, and occasional treats.

Regular veterinary care is also essential to ensure the health and well-being of your budgies.

This includes routine check-ups, vaccinations, and addressing any potential health issues that may arise. It’s important to factor in the cost of veterinary care when planning for multiple budgies.

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Furthermore, consider the resources you have available in terms of time and energy to maintain a clean and safe environment for your budgies.

Regular cleaning of the cage, providing fresh water and food, and ensuring proper hygiene are all necessary for their well-being.

What are the Benefits of Keeping Multiple Budgies in a Cage?

Having multiple budgies in a cage give dangerous results because some times budgies kill each other but commonly offers several advantages for both the birds and their owners.


Budgies are highly social birds, and by keeping them in pairs or small flocks, you provide them with constant companionship.

This companionship reduces feelings of loneliness and can help alleviate stress and anxiety.

Watching budgies interact, groom each other, or engage in playful behaviors is not only entertaining but also enriching for their well-being.

Mental Stimulation

Living in a group stimulates the cognitive abilities of budgies. They learn from each other, observe behaviors, and engage in problem-solving activities together.

The presence of other budgies encourages exploration and provides mental stimulation, which is essential for their overall cognitive development.

Vocalization and Mimicry

Budgies are renowned for their ability to mimic sounds and speech and sometimes budgies talk in sleep. When multiple budgies are housed together, they are more likely to engage in vocalizations and mimic each other, leading to an increase in their repertoire of sounds.

This can be fascinating to observe and adds an element of charm to their presence in your home.

Can I Keep Just One Budgie in a Cage?

While it is possible to keep a single budgie in a cage, it is generally not recommended for several reasons. Here’s what you should consider:


Budgies are highly social birds and form strong bonds with their flock mates. Keeping a single budgie deprives them of the companionship they naturally seek, which can lead to feelings of loneliness and depression.


Budgies are active and intelligent birds that require mental stimulation and engagement.

Without a companion, a single budgie may lack opportunities for social interaction and play, leading to boredom and potentially negative behaviors like excessive feather plucking or screaming.

Human Interaction Substitute

While you can certainly provide love and attention to a single budgie, human interaction cannot fully replace the social interactions that budgies need.

Having a companion of their species allows them to engage in natural behaviors and communication.

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How Large of a Cage Is Required for Two Budgies?

let’s think about space. Imagine your budgies soaring through the air, spreading their wings in pure delight. For two budgies to flourish happily, a roomy cage is a must!

While you might be tempted to go for a small and cozy abode, giving them ample space to hop, flutter, and perch will work wonders for their overall well-being.

A good rule of thumb is to opt for a cage that’s at least 24 inches wide, 18 inches deep, and 24 inches tall. This size allows them to move freely without feeling cramped.

Remember, budgies are active little birds, and they adore hopping from perch to perch, exploring every nook and cranny.

But let’s not forget about the vertical space! Budgies love to climb and exercise their wings, so a cage with multiple levels or perches at varying heights will keep them entertained and physically fit.

Not only will they appreciate the extra playground, but you’ll also enjoy watching their acrobatics.

Speaking of playtime, a spacious cage leaves plenty of room for toys and enrichment. Budgies are curious creatures, and providing them with a range of toys, from bells to swings to puzzle feeders, will keep their minds sharp and prevent boredom.

Now, let’s talk about placement. Budgies are highly social birds, and they thrive on interaction with their human flock.

Placing their cage in a central area of your home, such as the living room, allows them to feel like part of the family.

They’ll love chatting with you as you go about your day, and you’ll surely be amused by their charming conversations.

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Can We Keep Three Budgies Together?

If you’re considering expanding your budgie flock beyond two, you may wonder whether it’s possible to keep three budgies together in a cage.

While adding a third budgie can introduce additional dynamics, it is indeed possible to keep three budgies together with careful consideration.

When adding a third budgie to an existing pair or introducing three budgies simultaneously, it’s important to ensure that the cage size and available resources can accommodate all of them comfortably.

A larger cage with ample perches, toys, and feeding stations will help prevent potential conflicts and ensure each budgie has adequate space.

Introducing a new budgie to an existing pair requires careful monitoring and gradual integration.

Initially, the new budgie can be kept in a separate cage within sight and earshot of the existing pair. This allows them to become familiar with each other’s presence without direct contact.

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Can I Keep 4 Budgies Together? 

Yes, you can keep 4 budgies together by keeping the above factors in mind. But remember, their freedom matters too!

Let them soar with a daily free flight. If they spend all their time in the cage, it’s time to upgrade to a large aviary for a truly fulfilling life.

For untamed birds, create a ‘budgie-safe’ room where they can enjoy the unrestricted flight. No need to chase them back; they’ll find their way home, building trust with you.

What are the Challenges of Keeping Multiple Budgies in a Cage?

While keeping multiple budgies offers numerous benefits, there are some challenges that owners should be aware of.

Dominance and Hierarchy

In a flock, budgies establish a social hierarchy, which may lead to dominance-related behaviors. This can manifest as aggression, feather plucking, or territorial disputes.

It’s important to monitor the dynamics within the flock and ensure that each budgie has equal access to food, water, and perches.

If aggression becomes an issue, providing separate feeding stations and perches can help mitigate conflicts.

Increased Noise

Having multiple budgies means an increase in noise levels, as they communicate through vocalizations. While this can be enjoyable for some owners, it may be overwhelming for others, particularly in smaller living spaces.

Consider your tolerance for noise and the potential impact on your daily routines before deciding on the number of budgies to keep.

Additional Care and Maintenance

Keeping multiple budgies requires additional care and maintenance compared to a single budgie. Regular cleaning of the cage becomes crucial to maintain a hygienic environment.

Each budgie will also need individual attention and interaction to ensure their well-being.

However, the joy and fulfillment of providing a nurturing environment for a flock of budgies often outweigh the additional responsibilities.

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How to Introduce a New Budgie to an Older One?

If you already have an older budgie and are considering adding a new budgie to the flock, it’s essential to introduce them properly to ensure a smooth transition and minimize stress.

Here are some steps to follow when introducing a new budgie to an older one:


Before bringing the new budgie home, set up a separate cage for them. Ensure the new cage is placed in a different room or a sufficient distance away from the older budgie’s cage.

This allows the birds to become familiar with each other’s presence without direct contact initially.


Allow the new budgie and the older budgie to observe each other from a distance. This can be done by placing their cages near each other, allowing them to see and hear each other without physical interaction.

This observation period helps them become accustomed to each other’s presence and reduces the initial stress.

Gradual Interaction

After a few days of observation, you can start supervised introductions. Use a neutral space outside the cages, such as a small play area or a separate cage, to allow the budgies to interact under close supervision.

Ensure there are plenty of toys, perches, and distractions to prevent potential conflicts.

Multiple Short Sessions

Initially, keep the introductions brief and gradually increase the duration over time. Start with a few minutes and gradually extend the sessions.

Watch their body language closely for signs of aggression or stress. If any signs of hostility occur, separate them and try again later.

Separate Cage Time

While the budgies are getting acquainted, it’s important to provide separate cage time for each budgie. This allows them to have their own space and reduces the likelihood of territorial disputes.

Monitoring and Patience

Throughout the introduction process, closely monitor their interactions and behavior. Be patient and allow them time to adjust to each other.

Remember that individual budgies may require different lengths of time to establish a bond and become comfortable with one another.

Conclusion — How Many Budgies Should I Get in a Cage?

When it comes to deciding how many budgies to keep in a cage, it’s important to prioritize their social needs, space requirements, and circumstances.

While a minimum of two budgies is recommended, you can choose to have a larger flock if you have the resources and time to care for them adequately.

Multiple budgies provide companionship, mental stimulation, and an enriching environment for these delightful birds.

Just remember to observe their behavior, monitor their interactions, and provide a spacious and comfortable living space.

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FAQs — How Many Budgies Should I Get in a Cage?

What size cage is best for 2 budgies?

A cage size of 30x18x18 inches is recommended for housing two budgies, providing sufficient space for them to move, perch, and fly comfortably.

Is it better to have 1 budgie or 2?

It is generally recommended to have at least two budgies as they are social birds and benefit from companionship, providing mental stimulation and reducing loneliness.

Can I have 5 budgies?

Yes, you can have five budgies. However, ensure that the cage is spacious enough to accommodate them comfortably and provide adequate social interaction and enrichment for their well-being.

What size cage do I need for 4 budgies?

For four budgies, a cage size of at least 24 inches in length, 16 inches in width, and 18 inches in height is recommended for their comfort and well-being.

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