Can Parrots and Pigeons Live Together?

Can Parrots and Pigeons Coexist? (Feathers in Harmony 2023)

Birds are amazing pets since they are both interesting and smart as compare to cats. Unfortunately, not every bird species gets along.

When thinking about keeping birds as pets, it’s wise to research which species get along best with others before bringing them together.

Two common bird species that are typically kept as pets are parrots and pigeons, therefore this is very important for them.

There are some shared characteristics, like flight and the need for social engagement, but there are also some noticeable behavioral and care needs variances.

Here we’ll have a look at the compatibility of parrots and pigeons with one another and the topic of whether the two species can coexist peacefully.

In addition to examining examples of good and bad pairings, we will also examine what should be considered when introducing birds to one another.

In general, this article aims to educate pet owners on bird compatibility and encourage responsible bird ownership.

Can Parrots and Pigeons Live Together?

Yes, as a general rule, parrots and pigeons may coexist. Nevertheless, merely housing them in the identical cage will not do the trick. The extent to which they are compatible is dependent on a number of important aspects.

Get to know the birds’ personality before you even think of keeping them together. Because of their sociable nature, parrots thrive when they are with other birds or members of their own species.

But if they feel other birds are threatening their territory or food supply, they can become violent and territorial.

In contrast, pigeons are typically amiable and do not attack other birds but sometimes pigeons fight with each other if not care properly. They are accustomed to flock life and get along well with other birds.

On the other hand, they could experience stress if they are continually bothered or if they are not given enough freedom to roam.

Can Parrots and Pigeons Live Together?

Why is it Not Suggested that Parrots and Pigeons Live Together?

Wondering why parrots and pigeons shouldn’t live together? It’s simple! Parrots, with their intelligence and playful nature, may become territorial and aggressive towards pigeons if they’re not given enough stimulation and socialization.

Meanwhile, pigeons may become agitated if they’re constantly being harassed by more energetic parrots and birds are destructive also.

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What to Consider Before Keeping Parrots and Pigeons Together?

Several factors influence the compatibility of parrots and pigeons. Here are some essential factors to consider before keeping these birds together.

Cage Size

The size of the cage is crucial when keeping parrots and pigeons together. Both birds require ample space to move around and stretch their wings.

A small cage can lead to stress and aggression in both birds, which can lead to injuries and fights.


The temperament of the birds is another crucial factor to consider. As mentioned earlier, parrots can be aggressive toward other birds, especially if they feel threatened.

Pigeons, on the other hand, are mild-tempered and rarely show aggression and have different season to molt.


Parrots and pigeons have different dietary requirements, and it is essential to provide them with the right food.

Parrots require a diet such as jicama, earthworms, tomatoes, beets, and more that are high in nutrients and vitamins, while pigeons require a diet that is high in protein.

It is also crucial to ensure that both birds have access to their food without competing for it. Feeding them separately can help prevent fights and aggression.

Can Parrots and Pigeons Live Together?

Cage Placement

An other critical consideration is the cage’s location. Crowding pigeon and parrot cages can make the birds aggressive and stressed out. Put their cages in different rooms or keep them far apart if you can.

Avian Parakeets

The temperaments and personalities of parrot species vary greatly. While some bird species are naturally hostile to others, others are kind and may live in harmony with their feathered friends.

It is crucial to learn about the personalities of the individual species before keeping parrots and pigeons together.

Moments Spent Side by Side

The key is to ease parrots and pigeons into each other’s company and give them plenty of time to adjust.

They can communicate with one another through the bars of their cages if you put them in close proximity to one another.

It is recommended to remove the birds and attempt again at a later time if they exhibit signs of hostility or stress.

To assist them adjust to each other’s presence and reduce aggressiveness, gradually increase the amount of time they spend together.

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How to Introduce Parrots and Pigeons Safely?

The safety and well-being of your parrots and pigeons depend on your careful and progressive introduction of the two species. When bringing in pigeons and parrots, here are the procedures to follow:

Get Individual Containers Ready

Before you bring the birds in, make sure they all have a safe place to go in case things go tough.

Present Them Graphically

First, keep the birds at a safe distance or use a mesh screen to let them see each other. In this way, they can get to know one other without having to physically touch.

Permit Interactions Under Supervision

You can gradually introduce more freedom for the birds to interact under careful monitoring as they show signs of comfort with one another.

Keep an eye out for tension or signs of aggressiveness, and separate them right away if you see any.

Raising the Frequency of Interactions

Assuming the birds get along, you can slowly increase the amount of time they spend together.

How Do I Make Pigeons and Parrots Get Along?

There are a number of things you can do to make sure parrots and pigeons get along if they’re in the same house:

The Best Ways to Feed and Water Your Plants

To prevent competition and disease transmission, make sure each species has its own feeding and watering station.

Techniques for Preventing Border Conflicts

Birds won’t fight over territory or space if you provide them plenty of perches and places to hide. Additionally, keep an eye out for aggressive behavior and step in swiftly to defuse any potential crises.

Regular Monitoring of Bird Behavior and Health

If you monitor your birds’ health and behavior closely, you can catch problems before they worsen.

Enriching the Environment

To protect your birds from getting bored or stressed out, make sure they have lots of toys, perches, and other enrichment items.

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How to Prevent Conflict Between Parrots and Pigeons?

Not all parrots and pigeons get along because they’re such distinct kinds of birds. Parrots and pigeons can get into fights if they share a room or if they fight for food or a place to lay their eggs in nature.

Conflicts between these two avian species are avoidable, nevertheless, by taking the following steps:

Divide them

Parrots and pigeons should be housed in separate enclosures or cages to avoid any potential conflicts. So long as they don’t touch one other, there’s no need to worry about hostility or rivalry.

Give Adequate Room

Be careful not to put the parrots and the pigeons too near together if you must keep them in the same room. The likelihood of confrontation will be lessened by this.

Establish Individual Feeding Areas

What pigeons and parrots eat is quite different. Make sure different bird species have their own designated feeding areas to prevent food conflicts. In addition to helping keep the birds healthy, this will also cut down on disease transmission.

Give Each Bird Its Own Nesting Spot

Competitors for nesting spots in the wild can include parrots and pigeons. To avoid conflicts, make sure that each species has its own nesting location if you have both types of birds in the same region.

Keep an Eye on How They Act

The actions of pigeons and parrots should be carefully observed. Quickly separate the birds or give them more room or food if you see any symptoms of rivalry or aggressiveness.


While parrots and pigeons can live together, it’s important to carefully consider their compatibility, as well as the risks and requirements involved in keeping them together.

By following safe introduction protocols, providing appropriate enclosures, and ensuring that each bird’s needs are met, it’s possible to create a peaceful and happy environment for both species.

However, it’s important to always be vigilant and proactive in monitoring your birds’ behavior and health to ensure that they remain safe and healthy.


Can a pigeon live with a parrot?

Yes, pigeons and parrots can live together as long as they are properly introduced and have enough space and resources to avoid any territorial or aggressive behavior.

Which bird can live with a parrot?

Birds that can potentially live with parrots include doves, canaries, finches, and some species of softbills, as long as they have similar environmental and dietary requirements.

What birds can live with pigeons?

Doves are the most suitable birds to live with pigeons as they are from the same family and have similar environmental and dietary requirements. Other birds may not be compatible.

Can parrots be kept with other birds?

It depends on the species of parrot and the other birds. Some parrots can be kept with other birds, but caution is advised to prevent aggression or disease transmission.

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